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Scrap Metals Market conference
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Web domains for rent and sale Web domains
Strategic consultancy Consultancy
Recruitment in metals, mining, foundry & casting Recruitment
Event management Event management
International marketing and promotion PR and Marketing
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European agent - a sales representative or a distributor European agent
Export & import in Russia and CIS Credit, IPO, tenders

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Our company includes highly skilled researchers, most of which are Ph.D, with wide experience delivering research reviews of world and domestic markets as well as statistics and informational reports. We are able to carry out research in the following 4 fields & 4 markets:

  • Russia and CIS
  • Middle East
  • Europe
  • China & Far East

Metals market research

We can provide you with a comprehensive proposal and competitive quote for any research job, at no obligation, and irrespective of the size of the project. To discuss your specific research requirements please contact us today.

Market reports

Building materials 15
Chemicals 70
Ecology 2
Glass 4
Industrial minerals 22
Machine building & equipment 13
Metallurgy & metal processing 40


International translator of steel grades WinSteel - international translator of steel grades
Automated directory of steel plants WinPlantBlack - automated directory of steel plants
International translator of non-ferrous metals & alloys grades WinAlloy - international translator of non-ferrous metals & alloys grades
Automated directory of non-ferrous plants WinPlantRed - automated directory of non-ferrous plants


 Building materials
 Industrial minerals
 Machine building & equipment
 Metallurgy & metal processing

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Human Resources
25 September 2013, Istanbul
Marriott Asia Hotel
Future of Commercial Vehicles
26 September 2013, Istanbul
Marriott Asia Hotel
Steel Today & Tomorrow
5-6 November 2013, Istanbul
Marriott Asia Hotel
Energy in Turkey
4-5 December 2013, Istanbul
Marriott Asia Hotel