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Price data for iron ore and specific grades of steel is submitted by buyers and sellers in all relevant sectors of the industry. This makes MMM reference prices far more rigorous and verifiable than any price information produced by phone surveys. Our subscription includes:
  1. Weekly updates of price references for steel products, scrap, raw materials, ferro-alloys, tubes & pipes and cement;
  2. Prices are based on actual transactions, with data collected from over 250 companies registered to submit prices via confidential web forms;
  3. Over 35 steel products from over 25 countries
  4. Delivery terms: FOB, CFR, CIF, DAF, EXW;
  5. Daily updates of LME prices and averages.
To subscribe to MMM prices please become a member or login and then come back to this page to make online payment! Alternatively you can make a payment by bank transfer.

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Access our Steel index of 230 products. Trade indexes are obtained from official international Customs. The data is based on actual transactions (product, amount in USD and volume) that have been registered by Customs according to Customs 6 digit Tariff codes. The typical time lag for obtaining the data is 1-4 months depending on the country, although with some countries the time lag is longer due to restrictions. However, this is the most complete data from official government sources you can get across 54 countries. Our subscription includes:
  1. Monthly updates of price index for steel products, scrap, raw materials, stainless steel, ferro-alloys, tubes & pipes;
  2. Details of Custom tariff codes (6 digits);
  3. Over 230 products in 38 groups from 54 countries split by export and import;
  4. Some data starting from 2003 and most data from 2004 until present;
  5. 3 search engines: price dynamics over time, compare products in a particular country, compare countries for a particular product.
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Flat steel products Flat steel prices
Long steel products Long steel prices
Raw materials Raw material prices
Steel scrap Steel scrap
Semi finished steel Semi finished prices
Ferro-alloys Ferro-alloy prices
Minor metals Minor metal prices
Precious metals Precious metal prices
Cement Cement prices
Tubes and pipes Tubes & pipe prices
LME prices LME prices


MMM prices MMM prices
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