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Abbreviations, acronyms and symbols used in exporting and importing Abbreviations
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Trader's guide - export & import Trader's guide
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Periodic table Periodic table
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Our services

Web domains for rent and sale Web domains
Strategic consultancy Consultancy
Recruitment in metals, mining, foundry & casting Recruitment
Event management Event management
International marketing and promotion PR and Marketing
Export & import in Russia and CIS Export & import
European agent - a sales representative or a distributor European agent
Export & import in Russia and CIS Credit, IPO, tenders

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Metals, mining and materials directory Overview

Site map and breakdown of Member services offers the following services:

Web domains for rent and sale Web domains - for rent and sale Contact us
Strategic consultancy Strategic consultancy Contact us
Recruitment - both local and international Recruitment - both local and international Contact us
Event management Event management Contact us
International PR and marketing International PR and marketing Contact us
Export & import in Russia and CIS Export & import in Russia and CIS Contact us
European agent - a sales representative or a distributor European agent - a sales representative or a distributor Contact us
Professional business services in UK Professional business services in UK Contact us

We work on individual and flexible basis where each client is always important to us. We are proud of our reliable service and positive results and are looking forward in building an ongoing productive and mutually beneficial relationship with your Company.

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Marriott Asia Hotel
Energy in Turkey
4-5 December 2013, Istanbul
Marriott Asia Hotel